Co-Curriculum Quick Takes: Annie Carstater ‘24
Academics Co-Curriculum

In 1906, Lucy Madeira founded The Madeira School with the belief that it is our duty and privilege to help young women understand their changing world and to have the confidence to live lives of their own making, their own passions, their own dreams. More than 100 years later, we continue to prepare students to “launch” as well-rounded, creative, and prepared citizens through Madeira’s unique Co-Curriculum internship experience. 

Madeira is the only school in the nation that provides 100% of our students with three amazing five-week internships prior to high school graduation. Today we’re going to hear from one of the seniors in the Class of 2024, Annie Carstater. 

Madeira: Where did you intern and how were you matched with that location? 

Annie: I interned at Old Dominion Animal Health Center, and I matched with ODAHC through ImBlaze. ImBlaze is a database of Madeira's previous connections with organizations. 

Madeira: What was a memorable moment from your internship? 

Annie: A memorable moment for me was being able to watch the spaying of a young dog and talk with the doctor about the steps she was taking and what was happening during surgery. 


Madeira: What are some of the biggest takeaways from your internship? 

Annie: I learned about the importance of what happens behind the scenes in animal care and how to build strong doctor-client relationships. I also learned about dental procedures and pre-op/post-op care. 

Madeira: How did your internship impact your plans for the future? 

Annie: I went into the internship considering being a pre-veterinary major in college, and although I loved my experience there, I learned it was not for me. I learned so much about taking care of animals, and even have used some of that knowledge with my own dog! I'd love to go back and continue to volunteer with other pet organizations to help animals in need. 

Madeira: Anything else you'd like to share about the experience? 

Annie: As a bonus, I got to meet so many cute dogs and cats, and during times with no appointments, I could play with some of them around the facility! 

#MadeAtMadeira #MadeiraService #MadeiraGrade12 #MadeiraCoCurriculum #MadeiraInternships #AnimalCare 

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